Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Merry

T. Bone and Miss Bit came barreling into our room shortly after 7:00, which isn't bad save for the fact that I didn't turn in until only 4 hours earlier. There was no way that she could miss the Barbie took up half the living room. Santa definitely made her day and I think the fact that it was already assembled made our's. T. Bone's DS was harder to detect, but he honed in on it and was equally as pleased with Santa as his sister. Whew! We made our way through all of the gifts in little time, but we truly kept it real this year. None of us need anything or want for much so it was the right thing to do. Suffice it to say, it was a Ninetendo Barbie Christmas! Mom and Dad were on the same page as Santa!

Hubby made a hearty breakfast and I whipped up some dishes to take to my Dad's and we were off for round 2, but we left the boxing gloves at home much to Uncle B.'s dismay. It was the quintessential Christmas day...a light snow was falling and we were gathered with lots of family for all sorts of festivities and merriment. We exchanged stories, toasts, recipes and gifts. We spent time together laughing and loving, and made memories all day long. It was a delicious day in every way.

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