Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy St. Nick Saturday

After a night filled with crazy dreams, I was abruptly awoken only minutes ago by the ringing of the phone. It was our neighbors, P and A, calling to say that they would be over in 5 minutes. Ok then. Hubby and I were still in bed, T Bone and Miss Bit were still in their pjs watching the rest of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and had not yet had breakfast, but they were all anxious to pick up where they left off when P and A left at 8:30 last night. I remember those days! And I want to remember this conversation I just overheard between P (almost 10) and T Bone (almost 9) as they were Wiin' it:

P: St. Nick comes tonight. He rocks!

T: Yeah, but Santa is sweeter because he brings more expensive stuff.

P (with a chuckle): Expensive DUDE? The elves make it.

T: Yeah I know, but it's up to Santa DUDE. Santa reads the lists and brings it! Mom...did you send Santa my list...I mean letter...yet?

Believe in miracles. Believe in love. Believe in Santa. Believe in yourself. Believe in something.

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