Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside

The weekend is just over this morning. We were grateful for an extra day.  The kids would have taken another.  I happen to have two. Shhh.  I absolutely rejoice when holidays fall on Monday.  What is it about just one more day that feels so luxurious and satisfying?  Two more feels almost guilty...almost.  T. Bone was lobbying for a ride to the ski hill yesterday, but I didn't give in.  I stood firm because it was barely above zero and I didn't feel like spending 2+ hours in the car shuttling boys around.  It's true outerwear has come far from when I was a kid. No matter what my hands were always cold and my feet too.  Nothing was waterproof and boots weren't lined back then by anything other than a plastic kitchen bag.  I'm pretty sure my coat wasn't lined either, and who had ever heard of layering?  Faux fur flap hats were just a twinkle in someone's eye...God bless whomever. Only criminals wore balaclavas.  I took the kids ice skating instead.  Ice skating outside in the bitter cold.  I know call DFS.  Even more incriminating is the fact that I sat in the warming house cozied up beside the fire with my book  The kids were anxious to use their new skates and I was anxious to let them especially since I had to replace perfectly perfect only outgrown skates from last winter.  T. Bone and his buddy played hockey with a group of high school boys and Miss Bit twirled around for over two hours.   Sure their rosy cheeks were frozen numb when I told them it was time to go, but they were still smiling.

Today is even colder than yesterday.  I'll be keeping warm at home today.  I'm going to finish my book, sip warm drinks and make marshmallows for their after school hot cocoas.  Can you tell how horribly guilt ridden I am?

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