Monday, August 13, 2012

On My Mind Monday

I must be praying again.  Proving once again, without meaning to, that there's no stopping the mind's grab for salvation, o ye of little faith, o all of us on the go who hardly know what we believe in anymore.  Most of the time I'm so removed from belief I confuse it with having an option.  As if God were a candidate who may or may not get the vote of my focus group.  Then this other thing lunges from its corner, not fear, but the stunning activity born of fear.  How keen the terrified mind is.  Its cry is prayer.

Patricia Hampl
Virgin Time 

I've been praying more than usual.  Something about the month of August bringing on strange symptoms once again is enough to incite fear in me and have me issuing pleas...making promises.  It makes me think...I pray often, but more so when I am feeling scared.  I suppose it's only natural when life feels out of control to exist more fully in faith.  I know what I believe in despite the fact that I could always offer more praise.

I'm very much looking forward to the mass we will attend Sunday.  We'll join hundreds of others in prayer as a part of our city's Irish heritage festival.  It is a very powerful thing to pray together with so many other believers.  Like give you the chills and fight back the tears kind of power.  I think it's the closest I'll come to a pilgrimage and just what I need right now.

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