Friday, September 24, 2010

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

The kaleidoscope of colors that is our autumn world.

This week's harvest moon.

Farm Aid is next weekend. Hopefully I'll get to hear Neil Young sing it.

Book club with Miss Bit last night. She participated thoughtfully, although not dominantly. I was able to curl up into a chair on the other side of the room and read for an hour.

Bowling starts Saturday night. I never thought the hubby and I would join a league, but our friends asked us and we couldn't say 'no.' We will not; however, be buying our own gear!

More Christmas shopping this week.

And speaking of shopping, my boys headed off with the list and took care of this week's groceries because I was feeling punky. My hubby only had to call me once from the store with a question.

T. Bone got a perfect score on his first writing assignment!

Miss Bit starts cheerleading with her friend M. next week.

Sweet Tangos.

Church before lunch with the ladies on my Mom's birthday. A friend had mass said for my Mom that day and then we gathered for toasts and memories into the afternoon.

My brother and sil joined us for dinner later that evening. The menu included Nanny's Noodles, corn, rolls and cottage cheese. For dessert we had her pumpkin bars. It was a night of nostalgia.

New horror films soon to be released. I love a good (and sometimes a not so good) thriller.

While I was working on convincing Miss Bit to put socks on with her boots the other day she said, "Oh! I get it! It wouldn't be too girly if I were all stinky now would it!?"

New fall skirts.

Mad Libs on the way to school with the kids.

Homemade malts. son is becoming a fan. I'd be ever so grateful if he would learn how to play Blackbird on his guitar and then teach it to me.

Sunday School starts this week. It will be good to get back to the routine.

When I had a hunch that T. Bone didn't eat his red peppers last night, he finally confessed that he flushed them down the toliet. He's still apologizing for lying.

Knowing what I need to do.

Lists. Lists for everything!

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