Monday, December 27, 2010

Today He's 10!

My old souled son is a decade old today. I wasn't surprised to find him communing with his PS3 this morning before I left for work. I wished him a happy birthday with a hug. He said, "I'm 10 years and 10 minutes old Mom. Oh crap, you got me killed, but it's OK cuz' I've got like 9 more lives." Cute, charming and forgiving too.

I am sure he would say that he had THE perfect day. Pancakes for breakfast, a day spent gaming with his buds P. and O. in his new LeBron James jersey, BW3 for dinner and a sleepover with his friend J. tonight. In his world, it doesn't get much better than that. Oh, except for a day of snowboarding, but that's slated for tomorrow.

He deserves a special celebration because he is one special kid. He's the kind of kid who says a silent prayer for a homeless man we pass on the street. He's the kind of kid who thanks his Mom for talking with him when he was feeling sad and thanks his parents for almost every meal they ever make. He's the kind of kid who wraps up all of his silly bands and puts them under the tree for his sister knowing that the bonus gift will bring her more joy than him. He's the kind of kid who tells me, "I'm the best Mom EVER," because I let him wear his new LeBron jersey and basketball shoes to Christmas. He's the kind of kid who has 5 free minutes while something is uploading to his PS3 so he asks if there's a quick chore he can do to pass the time (note: hint of sarcasm here). He's the kind of kid who wants to get home and tucked in bed on Christmas Eve so Santa can come. He's the kind of kid who says, "Because Grandma and Grandpa are doing something nice for me, let me see how the day goes and think about if we can carryout BW3 instead of eating there," even though dining there is half the fun so his grandparents can come at dinnertime to bring him his birthday gifts. He's the kind of kid who coins his own moniker...T. Bone Prime Rib. He's compasionate, grateful, generous, smooth, resourceful, playful, thoughtful and humorous to name just a few.

I so love this kid. He makes me smile and laugh and see things through his own amazing eyes and yes...sigh too...many times each day.

Happy Birthday to my son, and Happy Birthday to me too.

I'm truly excited to see just what the next decade holds in store for him.

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