Friday, January 31, 2014

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Aunt Jess for taking Miss Bit on a date to the movies so Coach and I could bowl in our league Saturday.  It was a fun night of good music and scores.  Turns out that it's much more fun racking up strikes and spares than throwing gutter balls.

A lazy Sunday.  They're becoming a pattern, or rather a much loved tradition.  I watched two movies, read two books, and made two new of which was a tres leches cake that T. Bone requested a month ago for his birthday.  I think he thought it was worth waiting for. Miss Bit and I made salsa together.  It was a little spicy so she decided we needed a side of guacamole to temper it.  She was right. Then Coach and I made dinner together: chicken Marsala and roasted asparagus.

Arctic sea smoke covering the lake.  Everyday I want to take a picture, but it's so cold that I don't want to get out of my car.

A new pair of black leggings and brown topaz earrings.

T. Bone is enjoying a winter adventure with his classmates.  They are camping (in cabins) for a few days and partaking in activities like orienteering, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and such.  I cannot wait to hear about it when I pick him up this afternoon.

Mid-week dinner out with Coach and Miss Bit.  It was a nice little treat for her while her brother was away.

Miss Bit got in the car after an audition prep session for Annie and said, "I want to be Molly and that's that!  I want a major role.  I'm ready!"  Crossing my fingers.

I was having one of my charming  idiopathic, systematic histamine responses this week.  Translated to: no idea the cause any part of the body is game allergic reactions.  This time it was my face and my leg.  But then this morning I ate a banana and immediately my lips started to swell and my mouth went numb.  Of course, my epipen was at home, but I took some Benadryl (4 years expired and still mostly effective) and got busy on Google. Apparently, people allergic to bananas are also allergic to avocados and almonds. I've eaten these three foods multiple times this week.  I have diagnosed myself for the time being with what is known as the Latex Fruit Allergy.  I am sad to have to give up these foods I love, but relieved that I may regain control over annoying allergic reactions in the future.  Once again crossing my fingers.

I made progress with my pictures this week.  I still have a lot of uploading, organizing and editing to go, but in beginning I can see the end.

Fresh powder.  We're supposed to get snow tomorrow.

Miss Bit has her first ski lesson tomorrow and she's very excited.