Friday, November 29, 2013

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

The love of my family.
Happy day of togetherness yesterday.  We spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa's and were treated to a delicious spread, although the kids were completely satisfied with the turkey and mashed taters.  They really have this feast mastered.
A home.  A place to feel safe, taken care of and inspired.
Nature.  It is in the wildness of the world where I always feel so big and, yet, so small.
Kids who are grateful.  Thoughtful and kind too.
Sun and stars and seasons.  Morning and night.  The gift of each new day, the holiness of every night, and the reminders of each season.
Generous friends who lend ears and hands and hearts.
Ideas and innovation.  The way we are always evolving as individuals and as a community.
Vitality and health.
Inspiration to live and do good and be good.
Now.  Today.  The desire to be present.