Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Calling in Sick

It is only 9:00.  I already made and then unmade my bed today.  I did so to tuck in a sniffling, slightly feverish Miss Bit.  She's staying home sick for the first time in I can remember today.  After a dose of meds, she came down for a little breakfast  : a piece of cold pizza leftover from last night's birthday celebration.  Coach turned 46 yesterday.  In the sweet card she made her daddy she wrote,  "You look 20 really!"  And that reminds me...the other morning we were watching two deer in the yard from the breakfast table.  One was a girl and one was a boy.  The doe was grazing and giving the buck the stink eye in between bites while he ogled her the entire time. Miss Bit commented on their interaction, which prompted me to suggest the buck wanted to play.  To that naivete she said, "Mom, I'm pretty sure he wants to mate."  Fortunately the white bus had to leave for school before our yard became the Discovery channel.

So at times 9 seems so young and vulnerable, and at other times it seems old and wise.  The one thing that is a constant with this girl is the absolute sweetness of her soul.  What a gift it is to know and love her.  And to be her nurse too.  I'm calling in sick from errands and other to dos today to stay right here and take care of her.  There's nowhere else I'd rather be.