Saturday, September 12, 2009

In the Silence I Hear...

The trickle trickle of the water as it free flows from the fountain on the counter...the soothing singing of wind chimes hanging from a branch beside my bedroom window...the sound of my lungs inhaling and exhaling the air that I breathe...the pitter patter and pounce of paws chasing each other throughout the house during a feline frenzy of hide and go seek...the soothing sound of the fan's blades as they rhythmically rotate...the predictable tick tock of time passing as the second hand makes it's way through the day moment by moment...the dull humming of the refrigerator...the whirring sound of the ingenious wings of the morning dove as she takes flight...the chawing, incessant chirping the chipmunks make from their perches throughout the yard...the squeak of the back yard swing as the wind whisks through it and sends it sailing...the distant bark of a neighbor's dog sounding off to passers by...the rumble and squeal of the school bus as it makes it rounds getting nearer and nearer to my home...the laughter of children anxiously making plans for the weekend with friends as they disembark and head up the drive way ready for freedom...the ba bum ba bum ba bum of my heart beating...reminding me that, yes indeed, I am alive.

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