Monday, May 18, 2020


I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and the view of my busy back yard just before lunch time. My goal this week is to get up 15 minutes earlier each day so that by the end of the week I'm having coffee for breakfast. A bluebird just flew to a perch on a low hanging branch. That's a first in our yard that is home to jays and cardinals. I'll take that as a permission to be kind to myself and my new habit to sleep the morning away.

Saturday's walk was spectacular. We went to our other favorite park and did a giant loop shedding layers as we pressed on. We paused by the lagoon to listen to it humming with the calls of hundreds of frogs and toads. It's mating season. I was on the lookout for the crane that flew over us headed in the direction of the lagoon. We found her on the island camouflaged in a nest of bramble and branches. The pond was teeming with giant tangerine colored koi. There was a pair of ducks with just two ducklings. I hate to think what happened to the rest of the family. The park was busy with bikers, walkers, dogs and puppies, people picnicking, golfers, kids climbing trees. It made me feel happy.

When we got home, we washed all the windows on the second floor. It was long overdue. Years overdue. It's big payoff for little work. Of course, it rained like a sieve all day yesterday and now they have water spots, but they are clean. I'm motivated to clean everything before we are busy going and doing again.

Yesterday we put on our masks and went to Menards to buy supplies for other projects. Lots of people were there with the same idea. DIY is definitely a trend that I think will continue as a result of all this time at home. Lily and I went to the grocery store to buy Ted more fruit and more chicken for her. My frig looks like a fruit stand. We scarcely go in the middle aisles and that actually is good not just for the body, but also the wallet. I came home and made a brimming pot of Mexican Chicken Soup. It was perfect for the rainy night and so delicious. I'll never be able to replicate it though because I just kept adding and doctoring and spicing, but that always makes the best soup...everything but the kitchen sink.

Before dinner, Mike and I played cards. He skinned me. Lily was excited for a family game of Catan after dinner, but we all lost steam. Maybe tonight.

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