Friday, May 29, 2020

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Transitioning to early morning rising. Apparently, going to bed at a more decent hour has everything to do with that. I was up during the 7 o' clock hour one morning and the 8 o'clock hour two mornings. It's better for me.

I'm pretty sure my sore knee is bursitis brought on by a week of weeding and planting on my hands and knees. I'm grateful to know this because it should heal with PRICE...protect, rest, ice, compression and elevation. I'm down with all of it except for the rest.

Today is a a beautiful 70 degree day. No humidity. Windows all open. Perfect for a walk.

Tigger is the new back door beggar.

Lavender infused aloe vera. It smells as good as it feels on my sun rash.

Homeland marathons with my boys. 

My favorite Italian salad.

My favorite Caesar Salad in a wrap.


Lilacs blooming.

Happy hour with Candace last night. We finally enjoyed the Coyle glasses she gifted me before the pandemic.

A nice long chat with my Dad last night followed by a call with my aunt.

Mike decided on a new car. He gets it tonight. We're all excited because when his car was totaled 3 years ago he had to make a quick decision and wasn't thrilled with the car. Thankfully, he leased it. He's buying this one.

I got some body work on my old car. I'm getting it detailed next week and I know it will feel like new once it's deep cleaned. That is good enough for me. 

Pots of soup. I've been making one every week and it's been perfect for quick lunches and snacks. I think I'll continue this even as the warm weather sticks around because a bowl of soup can actually be the perfect light summer meal.

Tigger has been such a snuggle bunny all week and particularly attentive to my whereabouts.

Delivered to my door.

We survived another week at home sweet home.

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