Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Manifesto (8/30)

It's the end of July, and I woke up this morning to a distinct chill in the air that belongs to another season. We're wearing pants and jackets we haven't seen since May.  We warmed up leftover soup for lunch and then headed to the movies instead of the beach.  It was an almost full theater.  Fall is my favorite time of year.  October my most loved month, but I'm not wishing summer away.  In fact, I've just finally felt the summer chi...found my dog days groove.  I know I'll soon be doing the back to school countdown. Not because I'm anxious for the school year to begin, but because that's the way I am programmed.  I get ahead of myself.  I'm a anticipator.  Sometimes I fall behind too.  It's also my nature to rue and regret. I'm a nostalgic romantic...a practiced historian.  And then I remember to be. here. now.  In this season...this day...this moment.  To long for the past or to fast forward to the future is to cheat myself of what is here now.  I know that is not the way I want to live. Be. here. now I remind myself many times each day.  As many times as it takes.

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