Thursday, November 18, 2010

the world has its ways to quiet us down

yes, the world has its ways to quiet us down

there's been a chill in the air the past couple days. the skies have been glossed over gray. for me... these are quintessential late autumn days heavily hinting of change in the air. i like them. this morning the last colorful leaves were being untethered from their sturdy almost barren branches and wafted to the cold ground. winter is just around the corner. i see it. i feel it. i don't like it.

my eyes were drawn to an array of still colorful mums in a yard as I made my way along the lakefront. the hired help was yanking the bold citrine, amber and pomegranite plants from their pots and piling them up like trash on the curb. i wanted to open my window and scream, "it's not even thanksgiving yet people!" why is human nature so prone to rush and scurry? i'm just not a fan of haste or hurry.

a little further down the road i watched an older couple walk with quite a jolly spring in their steps hand in hand wearing matching santa hats. really? christmas already? yet who am i fooling...i ordered my cards, have put a dent in my shopping, and made reserves for breakfast with santa and a date to trek to the tree farm.

i was stopped beside a swanky local hotel that is owned by a man whose children i once nannied. his ex-wife lives across the street from my kid's school in a neat tidy little house. it's a far cry from the homes they shared together with stables and elevators and maid's quarters. sometimes i see her working in her yard and i think she looks happy...happier a simpler life closer to the earth.

And today all I can tell myself is...
The world has it's ways to quiet us down comes rain
down goes our spirits again
down comes the strength
to lift us up and then...

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