Thanks to birthday parties and play dates myself and the hubby were able to ease into the weekend. Friday evening we watched not one, but two movies filled with profanity, violence and nudity. I swear I was blushing...I'm so out of practice thanks to Disney and Pixar. We also ate pizza topped with all things green, red and grown in the ground.
Saturday we had to hit the ground running and we didn't much mind given that it was a balmy 70 degree day. T. Bone had back-to-back football games. Miss Bit made friends on the play ground while the hubby and I watched our star quarterback try his darnedest to save the games for his team, to no avail. He was down in the dumps and just plain tired until it was time to head out to celebrate Grandma's birthday and play yet more football with THE cousins who were in town for the occasion. He played so much football that he could barely walk the next day...he had the gait of an 80 year old man.
I stole a couple hours all by myself to go for a long walk on the beautiful day. I was cruising along when I spied a little black Miata with an IRL sticker on the bumper. It made me smile remembering how much my Mom loved her much she loved her Irish little she liked bumper stickers!
I caught up with the family in time for dinner...pasta that my mil made for her very own birthday celebration. I felt bad for only bringing the salad. She even bought her own cake. I guess them's the breaks when you are the mother of four boys! But I resolve to be a better daughter-in-law next year. She does so much for so many and deserves to be spoiled on her birthday.
Sunday was another very beautiful, very full day. We left the house by 8:30 for church and didn't return home until late in the afternoon. In between, the kids had Sunday school while the adults had Starbucks. I enjoyed my first egg nog latte of the season despite the fact in felt more like July than November. We convened for a leisurely lunch at a local brew pub, and then hubby went home to do a nasty combination of homework and yard work while T. Bone, Lil Bit and I met some friends for Junie B. Jones, A Little Monkey Business, at the children's theater. T. Bone was more embarrassed than chivalrous to be in the company of five women/girls and in the audience of a play about a punky kindergartner who also happens to be a G-I-R-L! He found kinship with Grandpa Miller, and I really must divulge that I did spy with my little eye a smile on his face more than once during the production. Miss Bit loved the show, and was only mildly disappointed that there were no real, live monkeys on stage as promised by the title of the show proving that she is very much on the same level as the title character, and just where she should be!
It was early to bed for the whole family, but hubby and I managed to scare ourselves just before lights out by watching Para*normal Activity in the comfort of our own family room (don't ask), thus ending the weekend the very same way it began. It's a good thing we were soooooo tired that even the thought of evil demons haunting our house couldn't keep us from sleeping.
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