Friday, November 20, 2015

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Change.  It's good.  Good and hard.  Although, it was swift and sudden and easy to decide to chop off all my hair.  I haven't missed it.

Imitation.  It is the finest form of flattery.  This beaut envied my hair endlessly until I caved and made an appointment for her.  Now we're twinning.

Competition.  It's healthy.  Form and function.

Cupcakes as big as your head...

In celebration of Mike/Dad.  Celebrate everything...everyone!  Especially family.

Happy Birthday wishes.

Books.  There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for books.  Last week I especially loved Did You Ever Have A Family.  Did you ever read this?  If not, please do.

These two bundles of cuteness and unconditional love.

The soft heart she has for every small creature.

 Big creatures too.

She's back in the saddle.  She fell off her horse last week.  Luckily she only bruised her ego.

These flower girls: Lily and Daisy.  And her smile.  It melts my heart.  Her tears break my heart. She got into the car yesterday and lost it.  She declared it, "The worst day ever."  I couldn't argue with how sucky it was to lose a long-term project or to have to start over basically from scratch the night before it was due.  She was smiling again and headache-free before dinner.

November.  We've enjoyed a stretch of Indian summer days: soft breezes and shining sun.  No matter the time of day, to look up is to feel that surge of inspiration that is always waiting for a summons.

Beauty in barrenness. 

Mother Nature's expressive palette.

Skies that deliver messages.

A sun that continues to shine and warm even as the days grow shorter.

Feeling humbled by it all.

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