Friday, October 2, 2015

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Soup weather.  I made my first pot of lasagna soup for the season and it was very well received.  In fact, Ted came home from the night before the cross country meet spaghetti dinner and helped himself to a bowl.

At this week's meet, he broke 20. Must have been all the carb loading.

A sign this week.  I saw not one, but two orange VW convertibles with black tops.  The first sighting was right after receiving a friend's text asking, specifically, if I'd had any signs lately.

Finding Global Table Adventure.  While reading Life From Scratch, I took a long walk down my own memory lane.  Food is memories.  I kept picturing my grandma and her sister in one kitchen or another chopping and bickering, mixing and reminiscing as I devoured the memoir.  Rosie and Helen were passionate, not precise cooks.  I'm thankful that I had so many experiences cooking beside them.

A final kitchen meeting tonight.  Hopefully, it will go well and we can decide between our top two contenders and get this show on the road.

A mother son back to school spree. Teddy tried on a pair of jeans and decided to add them to his khaki rotation.  They look so cute on him.

We cleaned out his drawers and closets to put together some things for a church family in much need.

Plenty.  It's what we have.

Hat weather.  A fuzzy owl is the most recent addition to Lily's collection.

Cat and chipmunk.  There's this little guy...he taunts my boys day and night.  He hangs out on the ledge outside their perch and stares right in at them.

Mike and I have 2 episodes of Homeland season 4 left for the weekend.  Last night we watched 4 episodes. We're sick.

SNL 41st season opener is tomorrow.  I'm not thrilled that Hilary is making an appearance, but I'll watch despite the fact that I don't think late time comedy television is presidential.

This biography.  I am a a big Didion fan.  Despite the mixed reviews and the fact that she declined to collaborate with the author, I will still read it.

Autumn skies with attitude.

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