Friday, September 30, 2011

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Getting through this week. It was hard and sad and long. I missed my Mom something fierce especially yesterday when I felt particularly downtrodden and at the end of my rope. It was an I want my Mom kinda day. Those kinda days really suck now. Moms just know how to make everything better, or at least mine sure did. So after one more visit to the doctor for my ongoing infection, getting another round of antibiotics, putting what the doctor said about surgeons and infectious disease specialists out of my mind for the time being, and the power going back on so we could open our garage and get in our dry house, I popped some popcorn for a little t.v. tune out for me and Miss Bit only to find that the weather knocked out our satellite. Miss Bit needed me to make everything better the way moms do so I put Spooky Buddies in the dvd player and acted like it was the best movie I had ever seen. Just for the record, it was not. We chomped and chortled and best of all cuddled and that made it all worth it. Then T. Bone came home and the three of us gathered around the table for soup and homework before lounging in the family room chatting and playing games.

My girl has been extra cuddly all week long. It's like she can just feel that I need it. She slept in her Dad's spot the other night since he is away, and snuck in again sometime in the wee hours this morning. When I got up, I saw she had a kitty flanking either side. The three of them looked so peaceful and cozy, and I thought how I always want her to feel so safe and warm.

Dinner with Jess Wednesday night. I made my Mom's classic tuna casserole and her pumpkin squares. I'm lucky to have someone who understands my sorrow and allows me my tears. She knows my happiness and together we laugh too. Friends and family forget or don't want to bring it up or maybe don't know what to say, but friends like Jess just say and do and be thankfully.

Today is the last day of September. I'm eager to wake up to a new month, a fresh start tomorrow.

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