Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rainy Afternoon

Today I ignored my "to do list," I refused to be a slave to the laundry overflowing out of all our hampers, I chose to turn off my brain and my cell phone so that I could share a movie (and a large soda with 2 straws and a side of Skiddles) with my daughter. The moment I made the suggestion she declared, "You are my best Mom ever!" I will admit that it was one of my better ideas.

We enjoyed Monsters Versus Aliens. Although it could have been much more clever, it still was cute. The thing is that I couldn't shake the feeling that I have seen it before...kind of a Monsters Inc. meets Wall E meets The Incredibles. And what bothered me even more than the feeling of de ja vu, was that the heroine, Ginorma, uses the word "jerk," a word forbidden in our home, many times. Too many times people! There are just so many other choices. I don't get it.

Nonetheless, it was such a treat to check out for the afternoon and to spend some special time with my best girl. The funny thing is that the laundry is still here and dinner still needs to be made. The obligations...they wait when we want to step away for the day. That is something I need to remember.

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