Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2 day pass

we had our first taste of spring this weekend.
we took advantage of the warmer temperatures and the sunshine as much as possible.
t. bone had lots of baseball practice, the ice finally melted on the basketball court so he could shoot some march madness inspired hoops, and he decided to use the house as a backboard in preparation for tennis team tryouts today.
miss bit put on her glove and warmed up her bat.
her arm got stronger over the long winter.
now i'm the only one who throws like a girl.
miss bit invited a friend along for the much anticipated owl show at the nature preserve saturday afternoon.
it was a treat to see all six of their owls on one stage.
i am especially fanatic over the saw whet and snowy owls.
the girls were the owl paparazzi snapping away frantically for the duration.
i took them for ice cream after the presentation and they enjoyed their double scoops.
enjoyed them so much they were covered in chocolate and cream.
i told them never to order cones like that on a date...
unless they want it to be a last date.
they chuckled at the mention of boys not yet able to conceive of a time they won't be hanging out just together.
coach went to madison to watch the badgers in their home city.
the kids and i went up the block to watch with neighbors.
miss bit was the only girl and is not much of a basketball fan.
when we got home, i thanked her knowing it was not the most exciting party for her.
she said, "it's fine.  ya know sometimes you've gotta take one for the family."
see why i cannot resist her?
i think we were taking one for t. bone because he didn't want to be stuck watching it alone with the girls.
i was looking forward to a quiet night at home truth be told.
after the disappointing loss, we came home and went to bed straight away.
sunday was a bright and shiny new day.
we listened to the story of lazarus in church.
at one point, miss bit pulled me close enough to whisper, "this is really interesting."
then again to confess that she didn't feel so good.
i guess leftover badger cupcakes for breakfast don't agree with her.
while they attended sunday school, i shopped first at my favorite italian bakery and then deli for fixings for dinner.
coach was already home when we returned so we headed out for a walk.
we were surprised to see caterpillars crossing the path.
if the rain comes this week, the world around us will green up quick.
it was a treat to turn off the heat and throw open the patio doors.
the boys sat at attention all afternoon watching chippies and birds and kids.
hopefully the $300+ energy bill i opened saturday, will be the last of that magnitude for a long while.
it's time to deflannel the beds and stash the wool.
we gathered as we always do for sunday dinner.
my meatball subs are a family favorite especially on sciortino rolls with glorioso's sauce.
t. bone ate all of his and 1/2 of mine.
coach, miss bit, tigger and i ended up in bed reading soon after dinner.
it was early to bed in anticipation of our busy week ahead.
another well spent weekend tucked back behind us.