Friday, December 28, 2012

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

T. Bone turned 12 yesterday.  Twelve is a milestone birthday and maybe just because it's the last before the teen years begin. He's been enjoying vacation days with little to no plans.  It's called winter break for a reason.  I'm grateful he's happy with that because Coach is still recovering from his lumpectomy and I've been down and out with the flu since Christmas morning.  Yesterday I felt well enough to get out of bed for awhile and spend a little time with the birthday boy.  So while Coach was paying taxes (ouch) and seeing the orthopedic doctor (ouch!), and Miss Bit was sledding in the neighbor's yard, T. Bone and I played Monopoly.  Playing Monopoly with him is like playing with my brother.  There is a whole lot of buying houses and then mortgaging to the hilt and he will only buy premier properties.  I was taking him down with my working class blues I'll have you know.  We were at an impasse because he wouldn't make any deals that would result in my gaining another Monopoly so when the call came that some friends were heading to the ski hill for the late day and eve, we were both grateful.

  He put on his new snowboard socks (thanks Grandma and Grandpa), gathered the rest of his gear and was ready to go in zero to ten.  I'm thankful for these family friends who already had a full load with their 3 boys, but they traded vehicles with another friend for more seating capacity.

 Coach came home without stitches and a good report.  Miss Bit came in from sledding with a little cough and a big headache.  We snuggled in to watch a movie and to wait for T. Bone to get home.  The boys returned just before 10:00 and pizzas were delivered shortly thereafter.  They were famished and grateful and exhausted.

All in all it was a good day and especially so for the one that mattered most.  Things didn't exactly go as planned, but that seemed to be the theme for the month of December.  We'll sing, eat cake and open presents tonight.  Presents T. Bone himself admitted he doesn't need.  After the last package Christmas morning - a much coveted new bat - he said, "Please tell me you didn't get me anything for my birthday.  I can't think of anything else I need."  That's the same kid who asked Santa for money for charity.  That's my boy.  What a guy.

Happy Birthday T. Bone. I am so proud and so grateful to be your Mom.  You are an amazing young man and I am blessed to share this beautiful life with you.

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