Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. King

Miss Bit and I got to talking about why we were off yesterday on our way to school today. (I was still off my game Monday and not 100% due to my sickness so forgive my Nyquil induced fog please and lack of pertinent discussion on the actual day.) This morning on our long snowy drive we talked about MLK, his dream, segregation, and civil rights. She was speechless when I told her that there were separate schools and bathrooms and buses for African Americans not that long ago in our country. We discussed how when we crack open a brown egg and a white egg, they are both the same inside. That what's inside is what matters. She wanted to how and why such things happened, which led me to touch on slavery. Before I finished gently explaining slavery to her...how Africans were brought over on ships and families were sold as workers and sometimes separated forever...she was on the verge of tears. She said, "I just can't hear any more of this! It makes no sense because what you said about the eggs is what is true." And while I didn't like seeing my girl blue, I was sure glad that she sees no difference between peachy skin or brown skin or black skin or yellow skin....that she loves colors and yet she's colorblind.

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