Thursday, June 3, 2010

"There's a 104 Days of Summer Vacation"

How can it be that it’s already June? I mean I know the whole summer is ahead of us, but something tells me that I’m going to blink and then it’s going to be September. It will be back to school before we even know it, only T. Bone and Miss Bit are going to a new school come fall. Well, T. Bone was headed to a new school either way…the middle school, but now they’re both moving to a new district and he’ll land in elementary school for one more year…thankfully. We first let them in on this plan (or change in plans) Wednesday morning before our school tour scheduled that afternoon. The news was met with a predictable combination of fear and excitement. After we became acquainted with the awesome principal and the program, were welcomed by many of the enthusiastic teachers and saw numerous familiar faces, eager anticipation was quickly gaining on any leftover anxiety the children had.

It is going to be such a meritorious move, and yet it was a difficult decision. It became apparent that the things that were holding us back, were not the things upon which you make important decisions about your children’s education, about their future. It is going to be an adjustment for all of us, but I am absolutely certain that the rewards reaped will be worth any growing pains we experience. It still chaws us that we pay some of the highest taxes in the state, and yet the benefit of these exorbitant expenses is not adding value to our schools. Move you say…well, we love our home and we really, really like our neighborhood, and we are ultimately thankful for the freedom to take responsibility for our children’s edification in our own hands.

T. Bone is going to shadow a friend tomorrow morning just to get him on board 100%. To think...I was most worried about Miss Bit because she has more trouble with change than her brother, but it became apparent that this is rocking his world even more. Of course it is…he’s got double the time invested. He thought he was on easy street already dreaming of pizza parlor lunches, an earlier end to the day and the possibility of finally having a male teacher. Hopefully, some day he'll thank us...she'll thank us because we are doing this for them.
We moved and I started in a new school as a 5th grader. It was a worthy move, but it wasn't easy. As I'm going through this with my own children, I'm filled with such respect for my Mom as I fully understand the difficult decisions and many sacrifices she made to ensure that my brother and I had access to the best education possible. She instilled within me the absolute importance of a solid education, and I hope that T. Bone and Miss Bit carry on in this tradition.

They have 5 days left of school. Field days and end of year send-offs are prominent on their schedules before they ease into the sweet days of summer, and I already cannot get that Nick jingle out of my head.

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