Friday, June 4, 2010

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

This awesome almost 4th grader!

This amazing almost 1st grader!

Grandpa lovin' girls...girl lovin' Grandpas.

Time outs.

Pool Days.

Sunbathing beauties!

Rain dates. The Red Sox only got in an inning before the torrential downpour this week, but we'll play at the coveted field again later this month. Third times got to be a charm. My #7 and The Pledge of Allegiance too.

Summer skirts.
The toucing final episode of Lost. Epic it was.
Iced Tea.
Lil. Bit hanging out with Aunt Jess and I last night, and Jess for reminding me that she won't always think it's a treat to do so.
Hoop earings.
My summer scent...Caylx.
Taking the kids to DQ after school this week. I proposed a challenge a few weeks ago: to try and eat ice cream at as many different spots around the city as we can. The kids are definitely up for it.
Oscar Meyer for coming out with a nitrite-free hot dog.
Clean sheets.
Burt's Bees Shimmer.
Big fat bursting peonies.
The smell of fresh cut grass.
Inspiration...this week it's color.
Straw purses.
Especially this Kelly Corrigan quote..."And that what this whole thing is about. Calling home. Instinctively. Even when all the paperwork-a marriage license, a notarized deed, two birth certificates, and seven years of tax returns-clearly indicates you're an adult, but all the same, there you are, clutching the phone and thanking God that you're still somebody's daughter."
It's Friday.

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