Thursday, April 2, 2020

Extraordinary Ordinary

Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was sunny and in the 50s. It was also a good day. I did some baking, a little reading and we took another hike along the river. At the end of the day, we grilled burgers and I tried a new buffalo cauliflower recipe that we all enjoyed. Dessert was a game of Wizard. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was good. Although, good feels a little out of the ordinary right now. Capisce? It's a bit of a challenge to embrace the extraordinary ordinary. It all comes down to attitude. And outlook is something I struggle with as I've been prone to seeing the glass half empty for so much of my life. I've worked hard to become a realist over the last few years. A realist is precariously balanced between the pessimist and the optimist. There's enough bringing us down these days, weighing on us, stressing us out. It's hard to be positive, grateful and grounded, and yet it's important for mental health - emotional and physical health too.

Yesterday was a good day because I was able to enjoy the little things I love so much without guilt. I was able to find satisfaction in putting the pint of overripe raspberries to good use in my buttermilk cake. I was able to escape into Cyril's story in my new reading spot. I was able to feel the sun on my face and smell spring as we logged miles along the river. We had to do some hills, cross some streams and climb over trees. My legs burn today in the best possible way. The way that reminds me I am strong and alive. We greeted neighbors and that reminded me that we are truly all in this together. I watched the boys play hoops while I prepped dinner and was reminded that the days are stretching. Soon the windows will be open and the flowers blooming. I was able to laugh with the kids during a game of Wizard and to see that maybe this pandemic is doing some good - it's bringing us together even more than we usually are.

Today we'll make a grocery run. We're out of milk and eggs, two of Teddy's staples. We'll deliver our first quarantine care package. I plan to get out and do some yard work. I'm thinking about another hike. We'll see. I think I'll finally finish my novel. Lily and I are going to paint some rocks for our little inspirational project. Tonight we'll make some bbq chicken and it will really feel almost like summer. 

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