Sunday, March 29, 2020

Smart Choices

I think I'm figuring out how to do quarantine. The best way for me to quarantine. I'm late to the table because I've been resisting the change as I'm wont to do. As I always do: good and bad. And here we have an agent of change that is very bad, but the changes can be very good. If this forced time as shut ins makes us all more grateful for our loved ones, leaves us more satisfied with our home lives, fills us with a feeling of gratitude for those often overlooked or underappreciated, then I can say that good can come from bad. Of course, I feel the need to point out that the economy is in free fall. What retirement? Oh, and the trillions of dollars of debt we're adding to the trillions we already have...well there are repercussions for that. For our children and grand children. This is reality, but so is the Wuhan Flu. It's a time for difficult choices. Smart choices.

Yesterday was such a good day that I made the smart choice to set my alarm again this morning, and then to actually get up out of bed. I guess that's two smart choices. This feels like a normal Sunday morning. The house is quiet and I'm enjoying my solitude. Normal right now is not overrated or to be taken for granted. The reason that yesterday was such a gem had everything to do with making a plan and getting exercise. I've decided that every day should involve a task, a treat and some time together.  Also that after the plan is made, it's a good thing to be flexible. Mike and I deep cleaned the basement. I finally put away all the Christmas that was piled up on the craft table. He even vacuumed the couches and I washed all the throws. We're spending more time down there so it was something I wanted to do. That was the task. The treat was popcorn popped the naughty way: in oil on the stove and then topped with lots of melted butter and salt. The together time was a movie date before dinner. We splurged and paid $19.99 for a new release so I guess that was another treat. The Invisible Man was entertaining for the whole family Tigger included. After the show, we started dinner. I picked up a beautiful tenderloin Friday and Mike cooked it on the grill. And yes, that was definitely one more treat. I ended the day reading until I dozed off. I made it through about 40 pages so that's progress.

Today is another gray day. I'm fine with that. I think dreary days make quarantine easier. I'm thinking about another walk. Yesterday Mike and I went out even though the sky was spitting. The parkway was busy with neighbors and everyone was respectful of distance and friendly unlike my experience the other day. It renewed a little bit of my faith in people just when I needed it. Today's task is to tackle the stacks of paperwork I have covering the ping pong sort, file and shred. Mike is going to set up the Wii. We retrieved the various parts from friends and bought some new remotes from a neighbor so we're good to go. When I'm done here, I plan on starting my marinara sauce. It's spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. That is the best kind of  treat. Today's together time will involve games: Wii, ping pong and probably Qwirkle, and Sunday dinner. This is a typical Sunday here at Casa Wags and there is comfort in that.

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