Thursday, March 19, 2020

Groundhog Day

It was even harder to get out of bed today than it was yesterday. Somehow I knew it in my bones that it was dreary and damp outside. A blanket of thick fog outside matched the miasma clouding my mind. It's almost like Groundhog Day, only not a bit humorous.  Happy first day of spring. The kids were still sleeping and Mike was busy at work at the kitchen island. I made a mug of hot lemon water and took a long hot shower. The highlight of my morning is a new pair of jeans that were delivered yesterday. I forgot I ordered them. I packed a container of last night's leftovers for lunch. 

We had a feast. Mike grilled balsamic chicken breasts and I made a big pot of pasta aglio olio, and sauteed a few bunches of broccolini. After dinner, we played a family game of Wizard. I went from the champ over the weekend to dead last.We all retired to different corners of the house in search of a little space. I was happy to lose myself in 1960's Dublin for awhile. I was finally able to escape in my book. Tigger curled up beside me purring so loudly there couldn't be a worry in the world.

Before dinner, Teddy was running with a friend on the high school track and they were asked by security to leave. Lily's friend's family has decided to quarantine so there was no communing yesterday. I don't get it, but I respect it. Fear is running rampant. This morning I was told that the daughter of a friend of a co-worker's acquaintance received notice that Marshall Law will be the law of the land starting Saturday. Oh, this woman apparently works for a micro hospital in some podunk town. Please people at least consider the source before you set your hair on fire.

Alan just ran to get some lunch. The grocery store was calm and well stocked. We reached out to our neighbor last night. She lives alone and she's in that at risk group so we just wanted her to know that we can help. She's come to our rescue numerous times. She called back and we talked on the phone for a good 20 minutes. That's long for Debbie. She's no nonsense and to the point. She assured me she has plenty of bird seed and books. We spent the rest of the time gossiping about neighbors. It almost felt normal.

Tonight we'll have another family dinner. Maybe tacos. We'll likely play another game. Start a puzzle. Maybe we'll watch a  movie. Definitely no Zombie Apocalypse films though. Not Groundhog Day either.

I'm trying hard to find the silver lining. Bad times often bring out the best in us if we resist the strong urge to hunker down and shut the world out. I'm not proposing we organize flash mobs in the streets, just that we reach out to those who may be alone or in need and give what we can. Just that we keep in touch with loved ones, say thank you to the people who are still working when they too are facing so much uncertainty, check in on elderly neighbors and pray for hope.

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