Thursday, March 26, 2020

6 Feet Apart

It's been a rough couple of days. As I write this, I am fully aware that rough is a relative term. I am also cognizant of the fact that worldwide we're in this together. Greenland is the only continent spared.

Yesterday I slept in. Right now sleep is the only sure escape. I woke up and had to stop in at work STAT. I needed to take care of something that came up in spite of the ban on nonessential businesses. I can think of a few people that would argue with the expendibility of our business. It was interesting that it almost seemed business as usual. We have a doctor and a medical lab in the building, but other tenants were working too. I came home and crawled back in bed with my book. I read until I fell back to sleep despite obviously being caught up on my shut eye. Yesterday, I was able to read for a couple extended sessions. Extended being maybe 30 minutes. I lack patience right now. I finally gave into Lily's request to take a hike. We headed to Lion's Den with the rest of Ozaukee County. It was as busy as I've ever seen it. That's not my preference and yet it was just what I needed to get out and move, to breathe, to connect with my cutie. She has such a positive outlook on this world we're living in right now. Her optimism and sticktoitness helped lessen my load. At the beach, which has all but eroded, we gathered a sack of rocks to paint and found several heart shaped rocks too. On the way back, we had the path to ourselves and a lone bald eagle flew just above the treeline overhead. It was thrilling.

Of the many people we passed, only one man returned our smiles. There were no hellos, waves or nods. There was zero acknowledgement. I have to say that I think we're taking this social distancing a tad far. Lily noticed it too. We aren't going to contract Corona by greeting each other from the appropriate 6 feet apart. A smile is not viral, but that warmth is contagious.

So Lily and I are on a mission to #sparkjoy. Today we're going to paint the rocks we gathered and leave them when we are out and about for others to find. Forget random acts of kindness. These times call for deliberate acts of good will. Also we need something to do.

After our hike, we attempted to go through the Starbucks drive thru. Lily was looking forward to it all day, but it's closed now too. First world problems, but she was disappointed. The kids had crepes for dinner topped with raspberries and cream. That was a mood booster. We Facetimed with my brother. It was his birthday. It made me smile that he made my mom's beef stroganoff for dinner. We're all seeking comfort. We're nostalgic for less complicated times. We're making sacrifices and trying to quell fears. We're uncertain what the world will look like when we're on the other side of this. All of us. Together while 6 feet apart.

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