Friday, March 20, 2020

It Takes Guts

It's getting more and more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. It didn't help that I had a virtual happy hour with my aunt last night. I have a headache. From the wine. The boys made dinner. Irish sausages, roasted cabbage and potatoes and corn. We have plenty of food, but so much of it is frozen. I have to look at meal planning right now in a new way.

It's Friday, but it doesn't feel like it. The days are blurring into one another. I feel like we're just waiting and no one knows how long we'll be living like this.

My first stop this morning was the grocery store. It was a madhouse, but people weren't panicking or buying out the store. It was strange though. I feel like everyone is eyeing up everyone else. We're all suspicious.  Who has the virus? Why is that person wearing a mask? Did that person just cough? Shoppers definitely weren't 6 feet apart. The only thing I couldn't get was fresh garlic and I'm of the opinion that has little to do with the virus. Also the entire aisle of paper products was wiped out, but I'm stocked up in that department. No yeast. They had chicken again so that was good. I bought some lentils and rice, but only because I want to try a new curry recipe and we were out of rice. Lily is on a Buffalo Chicken Wrap roll. I bought another dozen eggs because Teddy eats 4 for breakfast every day.

Then I stopped in at the office to take care of a few things. Alan already left. I made a mug of green tea and got to work. It is good to get out of the house for a bit. A new company is moving into our building. The office remodeling continues in spite of the virus. A dog barks in another office. These are the things that make me feel at ease. Life going on. Perseverance.

I'm on day 4 without news. It turns out you don't need to watch it because it's the only thing everyone is talking about. I just need a little break. I think we all just need a little break. Some good news. A ray of sunshine. A collective hug.

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