Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Wisdom of Age

Oddly enough…the thing that made me feel so weak kneed and wobbly just the day before is making me feel shored up and downright strong today.

You know when you are a kid and what you can only describe as the worst thing EVER happens to you, and your Mom hugs you tight and tells you calmly that everything is going to be OK and let’s go shopping even though she hates to shop? That thing that strikes you as completely wrong, unjust or undeserved and your Dad reminds you that tomorrow IS a new day and let’s go have a double scoop to make it all better?

And maybe you go to the mall or the ice cream parlor, but you are not really convinced that they know what they are talking about. You cannot fathom time heals, or wrap your head around what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You buy, you eat, you smile, you live on.

So the thing’s true, but you’re off with the he or she who wronged you in the first place too busy to reflect on the clarity of the words they have spoken with experienced conviction.

Then we grow up and our parents have imparted all the words of wisdom they have to offer so we’re sort of on our own. It’s a good thing we have been hearing even if we haven’t been listening. In the same way it is said an unconscious man perceives what those around him say, we absorb these tidbits over time.

There comes a time we start to speak them to ourselves when we hit a bump in the road, are downtrodden or dazed. We try them on for good measure until we truly come of age, wear them proudly and believe them whole heartily.

So when I felt a bit blindsided yesterday, I had it in my head that it would pass. What surprised me was that I regained my footing so quickly and also that I was left feeling more certain and convicted…more sure-footed if you will.

It’s affirming to know yourself and comforting to get just what makes you tick. There is a confidence that comes with understanding. It gives me the courage I need to hold my head high and carry on. Carry on knowing that at the end of the day there are only two people I need to answer to: my conscience and Him.

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