Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Psalm 118:24

Yesterday was not a good day. I didn't sleep much Sunday night because my feelings were hurt. Sadness and sleeplessness often add up to a whole lotta hopelessness. Time and tears heal though. So do 10 hours of a much needed deep sleep. The sun is shining this morning and I am feeling restored. Today is a late start day so we have the luxury of a slow start. I snuck downstairs a few minutes ago hoping to have a little time to plot and plan the rest of the week before the kids woke, but Miss Bit was only steps behind me so eager to show off the loot the Tooth Fairy left her overnight. Two bucks and a pink, bug eyed monkey to dangle from her backpack....a 7 years old's definition of bling. She's as happy as I've seen her in days. T. Bone's equally as happy because I just put a plate of perfectly cooked pancakes in front of him with a side of strawberries. Sometimes I am completely awed by how easy it is to please them. Contentment is so easy to come by when you are 7 and 10. I find that I have to make a commitment to contentment every day. It's a choice. Sometimes it's a chore, and then there are the times that the chore is the very source of contentment. That's how I'm choosing to frame this day. I'm going to seek satisfaction in a simmering pot of soup on my stove, baskets of folded laundry, well-made beds, chauffeuring children, taking a long walk in the fresh air and a myriad of other tasks I plan to undertake.

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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