Saturday, April 3, 2021

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

The sun is shining. 

Ted is home for a long weekend.

Family dinner plus Jess (who is family) last night. Mike made pineapple margaritas with jalapeno. So yummy! He also chopped and grilled the fixings for fajitas. It was a Thursday night treat.

Lots of time with Lils this week.

Yesterday we went for nails. She got a pretty Easter colored French manicure. I got my toes done. It was the first time since fall and long overdue. It felt like heaven and I was so appreciate for the extra care the nail tech gave my sorry feet.

The other day she met Grandma for lunch and a facial.

And Monday I took the afternoon off to take her to the outlet mall. We both had a bit of success. On the way home, we surprised Grandma and Grandpa with a visit. We arrived home exhausted after dark to find Mike making us tacos for dinner.

A sassy new beach hat.

Reserves at a favorite restaurant tonight. They're finally open. Cannot wait for scallops for dinner.

The crew that cut down our trees barely left a twig on our lawn. I'm sad to be down two trees, and I know we need to replace the tree in the front yard, but we'll take our time and do research.

Painting projects on the horizon. The dining room once I decide on a color and our bathroom as soon as I take down the wall paper. 

Purging half the linen closet.

A family trail walk on a beautiful weeknight.

Peace, love and understanding.


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