Tuesday, December 19, 2017


i'm having a bit of trouble with these weekending posts.
the days are sort of fluid for me right now.
this morning i woke in the dark and couldn't remember if i needed to rise before the sun.
i had no clue what the day was.
then my alarm blared and i knew it was a school day.
the last tuesday of the year.
this weekend i spent a good deal of time preparing for christmas.
it's a week away now so it's time to finish shopping and to start wrapping.
i shopped with my aunt friday, the family saturday and lily my shopping queen on sunday.
the four of us went out to tackle the kids' lists.
we made real progress.
then we headed to cozy windmill beach for dinner.
i feel very lucky that we have had so much family time these december weekends.
ted only complained a little that we high jacked another one of his saturday nights.
my brother bribed him with fireworks and bada bing pizza while the rest of us enjoyed enchiladas.
the next morning we were present to celebrate gaudete sunday.
i left mass feeling more joyful and always wanting to hit pause right about this time each year.
ted is loving the new order of sunday mornings.
since he has no class, he joins us for breakfast.
i rather love it too.
then we didn't see him again until dinner.
but i'm not complaining.
it was another fine few days.

scenes from the weekend...

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