Friday, December 22, 2017

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Today is the last day of school before winter break. I resisted my alarm when it rang this morning. I resisted my alarm 3 times. I'm generally a single snooze girl. That tells you everything you need to know.

Except that I was in the middle of a dream about my mom. We were looking for a duplex to buy together. The plan was that I would live on the top and she would live on the ground floor. I thought to myself that it was a good idea because when she dies, I would be able to rent out her half. It sounds macabre, but it wasn't because she was still alive.

Yesterday was the first day of winter. It was temperate though. Mike and I went for a walk and I was warm enough in a sweatshirt. I'm one of those rare fools that loves winter and yet I'm not complaining. I know the cold and snow will set in and soon.

That means it was also the solstice and the shortest day of the year. Darkness was on my mind all day. So was light. We know one because we know the other. Always I hear these Adrienne Rich words...We are moving towards the solstice and there is still so much here I do not understand. This sentence moves through me like my own pulse. These words essential and always present.

The morning sky. 

Just before sunrise.


No call from the radiologist. No news is good news.

I had an eye exam yesterday. It went as expected. I need glasses. Farsighted. The eye doctor was quick to reassure me that most people my age would be very happy with my vision even as it is changing and not for the better. I appreciated his attempt at somehow recognizing that deterioration even when minor and mostly correctable, is major. 

Lily was a trooper getting her braces on this week. I'm not sure what it says about me as a mother that I chose to put her through this 5 days before Christmas. In my defense, I did take her to Culvers for a milk shake post appointment, and I made a pot of chicken soup with the veggies cut real small and the meat shredded so finely just for her.


and after. Still smiling. Forever smiling.

Not just good for the soul.

Ted and I went out mid-week to finish his shopping and share a pizza. I had a good time. He told me that he liked coming to Lisa's with me more than with his friends. Before I could feel all sentimental, he made mention of the fact that I eat less pizza thus leaving plenty of leftovers for his lunch the next day. I chose to put a happy spin on it...he could just go by himself.

Not very random acts of kindness. I was greeted by a beautiful bouquet when I opened my front door the other morning. My frister left them for me to brighten my day. That they did.

Thank you.

We are almost ready. Ninety percent of the packages are wrapped. We only need to exchange one gift. Yes, already. Two are likely not going to make it until after Christmas, but that's okay. Today we'll hit the grocery store and then we can settle in for the weekend. We're at the point where whatever wasn't bought or baked, will not be bought or baked...this year.

Something tells me we're good.

Feeling the hygge.

There's no place like home.

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