Tuesday, November 28, 2017


This morning I strongly resisted the snooze button knowing I wanted to make banana bread muffins for the kids' breakfast. They like them best hot out of the oven. I like to please them and also to send them on their way with a warm and healthy start to the day. It's the little things that bring me big joy.

I know I can sound like a broken record, but that's because I am. We're all a little bit damaged. I need to remind myself over and over again to notice things, to be present, to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. I resist what I know to be true, I stray from what I know works and then I find my way back again to that place of awareness and then acceptance.

Last night I was witness to a sky that presented itself as a beautiful prayer. The sun was just about to slip beyond the horizon and before it did, all the beauty of the day was written across the twilight expanse. I couldn't decipher it. I could only feel it. It was a reminder that life is so much larger than our trials and tribulations. It's another simple truth of which I need constant reminding.

I was late to Lily's basketball game. Late as in the game was over. She came out of the locker room all smiles because she played for twice as long as she usually does. I felt like a heel and I apologized for spending too much time browsing for Christmas decorations and then staring at the sky. She was quick to tell me not to worry and to assure me that I don't need to be at every single game...that no parents are. She gave me permission to be imperfect. It's funny how I never expect perfection in anyone except myself. I've stopped reminding myself not to let perfect ruin good. Good is good. Enough is enough. Good enough is good enough.

Before starting dinner last night, I sat down for a few minutes and got lost in Wild. Now, I both read the book and I saw the movie so the chances that I would watch it again were slim to none, but I got sucked in. I know the story well, but I'd forgotten the messages. Forgive yourself. Heal. Do the hard work. Begin again. Choose Happiness. The tough stuff makes us soft. I needed to hear every one of those missives. It's that simple.

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