Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Hump Day

I woke up this morning with the sense that I had overslept. It was 7:30 and it took me a moment to realize I didn't need to be anywhere today. Before I drifted back off, it occurred to me that Teddy did and the house was quiet as sleep. He had cross country at 8 o'clock so I rose and went down the hall to his room sans pain and with minimal hobbling.

In my dream before waking, I realized that my ankle was not just sprained, but that my foot was almost parallel to my leg. Actually, it was a bit of a nightmare. Now I have that relieved and grateful feeling that I am healing even as I acknowledge I won't be running any time soon. I also won't be Lake Michigan swimming in the middle of the night.

I don't know how he goes from sound sleep one minute to speed distance running the next. No coffee, no carbs, no pain or discomfort. There's so much grace I would like to give my younger body. I didn't appreciate it as deserved.

Nothing makes me appreciate it more now than a life of RICE. There are only so many hours one can stay prone and idle. I've been tested and tried to take it easy, ask for help and watch too much trash television. I've actually learned some valuable lessons though. Yes, even from the trash t.v.

One lesson I am forever trying to put into practice is gratitude even as I know a thankful heart is the gift that keeps giving. At times, appreciation comes easily and then before long it becomes a struggle again to hail blessings both big and small. 

Today I'm feeling abundance without even trying. That's the best kind of day. I have bread proofing in the oven and plans to do whatever my heart and soul desires today.

The list likely includes more cooking, and some reading and writing all with loving intention and attention. This is a kind of day and I intend to savor all the minutes. 

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