Saturday, August 12, 2017



Long legs (5' 4" tall) and big dreams. 

You no longer want to be a dolphin trainer or a vet. These days you talk about a career in business and you have goals to become a CEO. If you could have anything you want for this birthday, it'd be a dog. Or two.

We're in negotiations right now. I'm thinking maybe you should be a lawyer. You are still sweet and sometimes sulky...rarely sassy often silly.

You are equal parts girly girl and tom boy.

Some of your favorites:

Class English
Flavor Mint Chip (We still have to make this one.)
Book The Hunger Games (This has not been a literary summer much to my dismay.)

Sport Softball (Fall ball starts soon.)
Stroke Freestyle
Pro Team The Milwaukee Brewers (We enjoyed a game last month.)
Restaurant Qdoba (You ate it last night.)

Pizza Pepperoni and onion
Season A tie between summer and fall

Animal The giraffe, but you have a soft spot for all animals especially Peanut who is your baby.

Car Jeep
Color Mint green (like your room.)
Candy Bar Twix
Musical Phantom of the Opera for the music (but you're excited to see Cats in October.)
Beach Windmill Beach

Store The Gap
#  12 (But you're #6 on the Lady Knights.)
Dog Husky
Game Apple to Apples or Minecraft
Snack Guacamole (Goldfish, chips and salsa and watermelon are close runners up.)

Holiday Christmas
Soda  Diet Mountain Dew (But you almost always opt for water.)
Place to Visit NYC (in October!) or Europe (someday)
Plant  Succulents (You are in a serious cactus craze.)
Music Pop music, but no artists in particular

I am so proud of the young lady you are. You are kind, compassionate and caring. Your heart is gold. I love the way you are always thinking of others, but it's important that you think of yourself too. It's OK to put yourself first at times. We've been working together on that and I think this is going to be an exciting year for you. I love you to the moon and back forever and ever.



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