Friday, March 23, 2012

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Minding our manners...whatever it takes. This is T. Bone's place mat. He wrote himself a note because he's tired of dish duty, which is what he gets when he's caught without his napkin in the right place.

chillin' and cuddlin'

Room for two

Our resident brew master bottling his Irish Ale.

So much fun spelling with shaving cream.

T. Bone is well into The Hunger Games.

sunbathing squirrels

My first sunburn of the season. Actually, I was more sun-kissed than sunburned after my walk in the heat of the day Wednesday.

Old pictures. I showed T. Bone a picture of me and my dad taken when I was probably 3, which makes my dad like 23. When I asked him who it was he said, "John Lennon." After I guffawed, he was quick to come back with an "I'm only kidding." Miss Bit held up a picture of my little girl self next to her sweet cheeks and said incredulously, "Look! Look! You look just like me!"

Someone dear to me was offered a job near to her, and now I'll be thankful if she wins the lottery so she can quit and retire.

A whole week of shorts weather. No furnace. No air. We've even been able to sleep with the windows ajar.

Fresh pineapple. Every time I cut them, I think of my Grandma.

How hard Miss Bit laughed when I told her she was sleepwalking the other night. It was pretty funny.

Dog cats.

T. Bone and his friend, K., were doing homework at the kitchen table yesterday after school while I was getting dinner started. K. was watching me rather dreamily and then asked, "Do you make everything homemade?" It made me chuckle because T. Bone envies the fact that they eat out exclusively while K. obviously longs for a homecooked meal.

My aunt is home from the hospital and on the mend.

A post St. Pat's day supper this week. Hubby usually makes the corned beef in the pressure cooker, but I made it in the slow cooker and it was perfect.

17 miles already this week and counting.


Daffodils and forsythia.

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