Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Day 8

I've spent the last week in QT. What I thought was a head cold, ended up being THE virus. I don't know where I got it. I don't know anyone who's sick. Not even the two people I live with. I am thankful I have a mild case. The worst symptoms are my overly sensitive nose (I feel like I have to sneeze all the time) and my loss of taste and smell. That's what sent me for a test. 

The health department finally called me yesterday. The very nice nurse is supposed to call me back today. She couldn't answer my questions about when QT ends. I didn't think they were trick questions, but she confessed that she needed to check with her supervisor. Hmmm. 

Right now I can hear Lily playing Jingle Bells. She's in piano class. The QT version. It's 50 degrees out today. I can't help feeling that Here Comes the Sun might be a better option. I feel horrible that she has to QT because of me. Softball practice started yesterday. I know she hates missing things and here we go again. Deja vu.

It's funny. I used to fantasize about an extended stretch with nowhere to go, no place to be, but it gets old. I'm thinking about becoming the next Roger or Ebert. I've watched a lot of television. Some of it worth mentioning like Hotel Rwanda. I tracked it down after finishing The Girl Who Smiled Beads. Wamariya is a Rwandan refugee. A survivor. Her story is haunting me just a little. I also watched The Little Things because I love the cast. Mike and I both agreed it was decent. 

I have a stack of books, but I also have a foggy brain so little concentration. Candace dropped off a book about the Romanovs that looks promising, but also like maybe too much right now. She also left a loaf of fresh bread. I almost ate the whole thing despite the fact I couldn't taste it. No taste means no satisfaction.

I might make tomato soup this afternoon. I might take a walk. And I might just curl up on the couch and watch reality tv.

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