Thursday, January 3, 2019

Holiday Life

It's funny to me the way that so much of the world is done with Christmas January 2nd. Trees are dragged out to the curb, the egg nog is poured down the drain and good will goes out the window. The rat race resumes and resolutions set in. Don't get me wrong. I know that we have to return to the real world so we can pay for all the presents that were wrapped pretty under the tree just last week. I grant you that the needles start to fall and fast. It's true that resolutions are good things. The thing is...I'm just unable to flip the switch so flippantly. I'm a hold out every year and I cannot...I will not...apologize for the fact that I like to let the holiday peace and joy, and the seasonal hygge linger into the new year. 

To that end I must confess that I'm still eating Christmas cookies with my coffee, watching Christmas movies (The Christmas Chronicles was really clever and cute) and working on my intentions for 2019. I'm excited about the upcoming year. The last one was tough. 2018 involved deep introspection, messy excavating, confronting fears, overcoming doubts, taking scary chances and ultimately growth in self love, respect and confidence. The thing is I am happy. Happier than I've been in such a long time and I want more of that. I don't want stagnation or complacency although I'm quite fine with a little coasting and basking right now.

Christmas was really phenomenal this year. All of our celebrations. I felt present and blessed and loved. I had a calmness about me going into the holiday week that I believe was a factor in my ability to just go with the it, show up, expect little, enjoy a lot. 

Christmas Eve we celebrated at my Dad's. It's a long haul for all of us, but it makes him so happy to host that it's worth it. My step-mom loves to decorate and my dad loves to plan and execute the meal. This year he committed to beef wellington. He made the duxelle and the pate himself and it was delicious. 

Ted drove us home in the wee hours. I was the first one up Christmas morn, but I didn't have to quick get Santa gifts out or eat cookies. Instead I hung out with my cats and my coffee and I waited for the rest of the house and my monkey bread to rise. We had to coax T. Bone out of bed because Lil was ready to attack the pile. The boys were ready to attack their banana.

The kids were gracious and I believe very happy. Lily was most excited about the Nike shoes she wanted that she didn't think she was getting, but I scoured the Internet until I finally found a pair and then I prayed that this obscure website would actually deliver. She opened her air pods last and they were disguised in a much bigger box. She was surprised and I was not about the fact that they've scarcely left her ears since Christmas morning. Ted didn't have much on his wish list this year and he acknowledged that was a sign that he doesn't need or want for much. Hands down his favorite gift was his Patagonia sweater, and it is a beaut. He's worn it every other day. He'll appreciate the Visa gift card when he takes his ski trip over spring break. I surprised my guy with an overnight in Green Lake to see Willy Porter in February. All good.

We couldn't linger over brunch with a game because family was waiting for us for another celebration. Mike filled his deviled eggs (it's what he always brings to his Mom and Dad's) and I plated a gigantic tray of cookies and we set out for another lovely celebration. We ate, we drank, we laughed and I didn't take many pictures, but it was a good time with brothers and cousins.

Baby Teddy turned 18 on the 27th and at the last minute we pulled together a family dinner at his favorite pizza place. It happens to be my dad and my brother's favorite too. It was a wonderful, impromptu celebration for a milestone birthday. The icing on the cake was that a bunch of Ted's friends came over after we got home for pie. French silk at the birthday boy's request. Mike pulled the one gift wrapped in 3 boxes trick. The birthday boy was only mildly annoyed until he found a new phone in the last box.

We were proactive this year in making New Year's plans. We almost always celebrate with the same families, but it's usually rather last minute. This year Mike and I decided well in advance that we would host an adult's only dinner party because let's be real the teenagers want to hang out with their friends not their parents. Both kids had plans that night. I set the table pretty with china, stocked up on champs and planned an easy menu. Mike and I hit up Gloriosos for the fixings for lasagna and a very scrumptious antipasto salad. Panna cotta with fresh berries and homemade Irish Cream was dessert, which we enjoyed while playing a game. It was a perfect night with some of my most cherished friends. The boys even did the dishes.

New Year's day was the perfect stay in  pajamas and watch movies all day kind of day. Three total. We took a break to roast some mouth watering lobster tails and toast the new year. I think we're off to quite a stellar start.

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