Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dear Lily Kathleen,

These pictures below are from your first date. Don't ask how they were procured. Since, there's been a second. This time the movies. Escape Room. As far as I know, there were no pictures. By your own observation, your brother is either a late bloomer or you are early. When you told me you liked this boy and he liked you, you brought up the fact that T. has only had dates for dances. I never expected this from you, and I'm also not surprised. I was your age once long ago, but not far away. More than anything I'm happy that you told me about him and one of the things you told me is that he's nice to your friends. The only cautionary tale I'd tell you is not to make the boy the center of your universe. You still need your friends and it's important that you continue to make them a priority too. I didn't do that so I'm speaking from ill-fated experience. From regret. With rue.

Your dad drove to the movies and met him for the first time. He was impressed that he shook his hand and not so impressed that he didn't hold the door for you. I was won over that he bought you a ticket only to find out that his mom bought the tickets. That is a statement and a reminder of age.

Speaking of age, you are full-blown teenager these days. You are a bit moody. Usually when you're hungry, being asked to do something around the house, or when you don't like your outfit, which by the way can be the get-up you had to have and bought just days before. You spend most of your time at home in your room and are almost always on your phone. We went out last Sunday to run errands and you were on Snapchat the entire time. When I asked what you're doing or who you're texting you said, one.

You are acing your freshman year. You are a good student: in class, of life. You seem to me to strike a perfect balance between being serious and being social. They are both important.

More than anything, I'm just happy that you're happy and that you have nice friends to share this experience with. I know how important it is to surround yourself with good people and I like to think that I've taught you that. Quality over quantity. People who lift you up.

Being your mom certainly lifts me up. I love you to the wolf moon and back Cutie.



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