Friday, January 4, 2019

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Making the time to stop here this morning. It's something I'm not doing enough and I want to change that in 2019. It is one of my intentions to write more often.

This guy. He had off for the holidays and I was happy because he needed a break. He wrapped almost all of our presents, worked out at the club with Ted a few times and spent some time relaxing.

My family.

When all you have to bring to Christmas Eve dinner is the side.

Taking your boss a par-baked Lisa's pizza, which just happens to be his favorite and hearing him say that it was the best gift he's received in a long time.

We are now living in fort Knox. Casa Wags is camerad up. The good news is we have only seen raccoons and cats and opossum lurking on our porches.

Tigger is my playboy and preener. He begs for us to pick up strings and his favorite brush.

Peanut always has either food or cuddling on the brain. The other day I left the kitchen for not more than a couple minutes and he crawled up on the counter to drag this stick of butter to his favorite chair. And as you can see, he managed to break through the packaging and help himself to a taste.

We're still very much enjoying the Christmas tree and will be for some time to come. My goal is to get it curbside on the last possible day of pick up.

Ted knows how to play Backgammon now. My dad wants him to learn crib. After dinner on Christmas Eve, he suggested a game of poker and he took everyone's money.

My view these days. In my favorite chair with my favorite throw with a cat on my lap and a movie on the tv. 

January. It's slow and steady. Still a little festive. I still feel the hygge.

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