Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Eve

I'm finally relaxing with a glass of wine and SNL skits from Thansgivings past. It was a busy day of work and errands and holiday prep, and I only have to bring a tart. As a hostess gift, I'm bringing my parents a breakfast basket for the day after when they surely won't feel like cooking. Someone once did that for me and I remember what an unexpected treat it was. I hope they feel the love in the naughty breakfast casserole and homemade pastries.

Cooking for others brings me immense joy, but I have to admit that I'm a little out of practice. I was really glad that I had a big pot of chili for the kids' staggered arrivals last night: 7 o'clock for Lils and just shy of midnight for Ted and Meryl. They're all out tonight catching up with friends. I'm quite content to be home, but I remember how much fun it was to see old friends and crushes.

I'm happiest that they are all home. I slept so soundly last night with them tucked in their beds down the hall. Especially now with all of the pain and suffering humans are inflicting on humans. And while I'm always thankful for the blessings that are mine, it's a challenge to not have a heavy heart. So what I'm trying to say not very eloquently is that my heart is happysad. I'm aware that my happiness is not guaranteed or everlasting or enough or everyone's.

Tomorrow I'll be the first one up. I'll have my coffee with the parade and my mom. It's my time...our time. The kids are going on a turkey trot and Mike and I will take a walk before we make our way to my parent's for turkey two ways, too many sides, a million unfinished conversations, a dozen family photos where no one is looking and more importantly an abundance of tradition and togetherness. I'm 100 percent good with that.

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