Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Smack Dab

We're here. The middle of summer. That time when back to school ads start dominating and the Christmas countdown begins. I despise them both. I like to savor and eke. Anything that hints at endings is just not my favorite. Yet I confess, I've started to shop for Ted's dorm room. It makes me feel a little less anxious about what is to come and as if I actually have a semblance of control. It's all mind games I know. I cannot even fathom preparing for Christmas at this point. Anything I buy now I'll either misplace and forget, or give prematurely as in right now. I am terrible at holding out.

Ted made me his famous banana pancakes tonight. They were delicious and I'm not a pancake girl so that's quite a compliment. I don't think I have to worry about him starving when he goes off to college and not just because he has the Cadillac meal plan, which I've been assured has come such a long long way in the past three decades. It was a sweet mother son dinner. And he did almost all the dishes. What a guy!

Dad and daughter are at a double header. Thankfully, the night is quite beautiful despite the humidity. The other night they fixed her swing in the back yard before dinner so I cannot wait to hear about her at bats. She's passionate about this game and I love that about her.

Candace and I enjoyed a hot, sweaty walk late afternoon. Having her beside me is great motivation. We hydrated with chilled white wine post miles. It's our reward. Mid way through the park we saw Ted. Candace recognized him before I did. He was running hills before going to the club to lift weights. Oh to be young. He invited her for dinner. She appreciated the gesture.We sent him on his way with a book from the park library on motivation - something he is very motivated by these days.

I am motivated by the joy in these sweet summer days and nights. My family is all together for one last summer. Each day has it's own cadence, but the rhythm is upbeat and simpatico. I'm choosing not to be off put by chaos or sloth or dirty dishes. It is life. My lavender is profuse and my hydrangeas are so bountiful they are dragging. The pitcher of tea is always full in my refrigerator. Zucchini and tomatoes are for sale fresh at the farmer market every week. Cherries are ripe. A nap after work is a reward. Dinner is at 8'ish most nights. Family dinner. I'm sleeping well and waking with a purpose to be grateful every day. Grateful for a job I love, relationships I cherish, good health and a happy heart. And maybe an understanding more than ever that life is not perfect, but it's damn good. And also an appreciation of enough. I don't count my blessings, I simply say thank you that I am here where I am with these people I do life with. I cannot think of a better place to be.

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