Tuesday, March 12, 2019


friday night i put my mind to it that i was going to finish the alice network before book club the next day...
yet i went to bed with 100 pages left to read.
i got up with the intention to finish, but i was easily distracted by anything and everything.
i'm good at that.
still i finished the last 30 pages on the road.
(i wasn't driving.)
the ending was predictable.
i had the feeling i could just skip it, but i'm a reader at heart and i needed to finish the book i started.
we gathered (9 of us this rainy, sleety day) in a cozy room at the delafield brew house.
we wined and dined and enjoyed all the festive st. paddy's day touches that the hostess thoughtfully added to the afternoon.
the book banter was, and almost always is, secondary to the camaraderie and connection we share.
a few ladies returned to casa wags for another glass of wine and more girl talk.
before we knew it, it was almost 7 o'clock and time for the show.
we had tickets to see mama mia at the high school.
i love spring musical season and this production didn't disappoint.
it was full of talent and energy and joy.
my favorite part was when the entire cast came out at the end dancing and singing abba songs.
the audience was singing and dancing right along with them.
everyone on their feet swaying and smiling.

i neglected to set the clocks back saturday night so i slept through early mass and didn't have time to get to late mass before seeing another show.
(it was not the way i wanted to start the lenten season.)
my aunt invited me to see phantom sunday afternoon and there was no way i was passing on that.
that show, or the time with my aunt.
phantom is one of my favorites and so is she.
the fourth time was the charm.
the actor who played the phantom absolutely made the show.
it was almost like seeing it for the first time.

we stopped out at the rumpus room post show because we were too hyped to go home.
we shared this perfect charcuterie board and more conversation...
a little rose...a little malbec.
it was the perfect end to the weekend of entertainment and connection.

on the way home i snapped this shot.
it was 7 o'clock and still light out.
the snow is melting, the days are stretching and i am ready to come out to play again.

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