Friday, March 29, 2019

Grateful Friday

It's been another week that kinda got away from me. They're all balancing acts. This week I gave myself permission to let some balls drop. They always do. But this week I gave myself permission to let them fall where they may. I called upon grace. Goodwill. I promised I will have no guilt for my shortcomings this week because I'm doing my best and long ago I learned that I cannot, will not, let perfect ruin good. Also, this is a marathon not a sprint so I've got my eye on the finish line I may never see. That means it's about the journey all this living we do.

I left work early today to spend some time with my Lily. (So thankful for a boss who is generous and kind and allows me to be spontaneous.) I took her to Taco Bell (her new fave) and then to one of her best loved stores. I gave her a budget, and then I bought all the loot because she only went over a little. Plus she's extra fun to spoil. She got a pair of camo pants that I swear I owned ages ago. I loved that she loved them and they were so darn cute on her. It was the best shopping experience we've shared in a long time because I was trying not to impose my will at all. What a difference that makes. Every day I learn. Every.Single.Day. Then we took the long way home along the lake and realized we were behind my brother. He kept waving at us with his after surgery arm through the moon roof and I was like, "What's wrong with that guy?!?" Lily recognized it was her uncle. He called and we chatted.  I'm so thankful that we can randomly end up behind a relative at 3:30 in the afternoon. There are times that I need to feel how small the world is. Small as in close and near.

We had so much fun together last Saturday. Mike and I went over for cocktail hour Saturday gloaming and came home just before midnight. It was one of those spontaneous gatherings that has everyone feeling the chi. We played a bazillion Billy Joel songs all getting amped up for the concert next month. I seriously am beyond excited for this show. We've been listening to Billy Joel all our lives. First because it was our parent's music and then because it was our music. Every song is a memory. It's going to be an emotionally charged experience. They're the best kind.

Another highlight of the week was Wednesday. Lily, Jess and I headed north to hike the dunes at Kohler-Andrae State Park. It was a chilly 39 degrees when we set out, but I was looking for exhilarating. We trespassed and my feet got soaked and we froze our faces and hands off, but it was great. We saw deer and turkey and I found a heart-shaped rock. Plus I felt the call of the waves and the heat of the sun, and alive. Like the one wild and precious life kind of living. We headed into town for lunch. Although it could have and should have been so much better given the Chicago prices, it was good enough. It was the weirdest Cobb salad I've ever had, but I almost cleaned my plate. Jess's sandwich was dry. She didn't leave hungry. The meal wasn't the point. The point was being together and making memories. We did that. Next time we'll eat somewhere else.

Teddy's been busy all week between practices and eating out and March Madness.  He's living the life of Riley as he should at this juncture in his life. He and his buds are always together. It warms my heart. That he has such a true and constant tribe of good folks. It's number one what I want for my kids. Good friends are life blood. I almost had a panic attack when my first thought this morning was that in 4 1/2 months, he'll be gone. God please help me to develop the strength to let him leave.

Thank you.

Thank you for all of it.

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