Friday, March 8, 2019

Grateful Friday

Last week I didn't write a single word and this week I didn't take one picture. Life is good. I am fine. I've been taking on each day and feeling the awe of every sunrise and sunset. Coming home this early evening I was in complete awe of that blazing ball of fire. I cannot imagine a sunset anywhere on earth that could possibly compare to what I laid eyes on tonight at the end of Good Hope Road. The sight of that perfect orb of  indescribable color had the effect of church on me. I was humbled and astounded and grateful. I've been in my head this recent stretch. That's not my best modus operandi and I know it. I'm a heart girl. It's my comfort zone: feeling not thinking. I'm thinking too too much right now. Analyzing and ruminating and worrying. And that's exactly why this little Friday post that captures all the things I'm grateful for is crucial this week. It reminds me that I can't let perfect ruin good, or live outside of the moment, or ignore the extraordinary of the ordinary. It's where the magic happens. I've seen it.

Today I give thanks for...

The hour and a half I spent on the phone tonight with my frister. I recently disappointed her. In doing so, I disappointed myself. We're two of the last people I want to let down, but she's extending me the grace maybe I don't deserve. I need it right now. I love her even more for granting it to me.

Book club tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it despite the fact I'm only halfway through the book. I cannot get traction. I tried. Tried hard. The Alice Network was just not calling me. It's the first book club I've EVER been to where I've not finished the book. There's a first time for everything though.

I've been in a serious stay home mode, but then last Friday we headed to Appleton to have dinner at my bro and sil's pizzeria just because, and we didn't regret it. The Marge and the Beetza were delish as was the Chianti. The company was quite good too. It started to snow while we lingered listening to the live music and it was really cozy and warm.

Ted and O. are having a joint graduation party. The W families convened on Saturday to discuss details and we are thick in the planning of one awesome culmination celebration. I love it that our two babes have known one another since birth...born 4 days apart...and we're sending them off together. We have a long and cherished history with the W's and we all know how special it is that we do. Some friends are the family you choose.

A Sunday fiesta for our February girls. It was a fun, delicious night of family and good food. Both my parents ranked our dinner that night in their top three. 

Setting the table.

Preparing a signature cocktail. Coconut Margaritas this night.

Getting out the birthday glasses.

Chocolate chocolate cake.

 A sous chef and everyone willing to lend a hand.

A grill master who shovels his own path and hold his own flashlight. Fajitas were the bomb Babe!

That smile! Gifts that excite and delight.

We're going to see Billy Joel in April! Such a fab birthday surprise for all ages!

A girl and her cat. He's taken.

Peanut just wants to be part of the party.

A new idea for a sitcom after my work trip this week. It's never too late to write one.

Teddy noticed how much I love my new job this week. It's really never too late to be happy.

Crazy dreams this week. Only because I wake up.

Waking up.

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