Friday, March 22, 2019

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

My guy made me breakfast this morning. A big pile of spinach and a sunny side up egg never tasted so good.

A long lunch with my friend Sue yesterday. We enjoyed the time to catch up, a scrumptious Chinese buffet and the generous offer for Alan to treat us.

The smell of petrichor. It's quintessential spring.

Ideas for what to read next. I've been in a rut. A good memoir always pulls me out of it so I'm waiting patiently for a couple to come in at the library.

Binge watching The Americans with my guy. We're both hooked on this spy story.

Music in the morning. It's been almost 2 weeks since I saw Phantom and I'm still hearing it constantly in my head. I've also been listening to music on the way to work rather than depressing talk radio. It puts me in a much better mood.

The Billy Joel concert next month. I checked out recent playlists and I'm already very much looking forward to this show. It'll be especially nostalgic seeing it with my family.

A date with my girl tonight. Plans to see Us. I love Jordan Peele and a well-made horror film. This one is highly praised. Then we'll grab some dinner.. Her choice.

A new rug for the living room. The rug that was in there was too dark and too small, but I loved it.Now I'm loving it in the foyer.

Spring sprucing. A few other minor projects and purchases are in process.

Coconut milk in my coffee. I've recently discovered that the Mexican coconut milk is creamier than the Thai version and so that's what I'm using.


Lily for stepping up to the plate when asked to explore becoming the team's catcher. The coach wooed her by saying he felt she had the attitude, athleticism and head for the position.

Ted's committed to two practices. He goes to golf after school and then heads to baseball. He's not getting home until 9:30 every night, but he's not complaining.

My mom's zucchini casserole mid-week just because.

Sunrise and sunset. I'm such a sucker for a showy sky.

Spring break is next week. We're staying put and Lily is not happy about that. Ted's fine because he went to Utah last month and many of his friends will be around. According to Lil every single one of her friends is going on a trip. She seemed genuinely surprised when I told her that I don't get off for spring break. I don't feel I can take off either because I just started this new job in October. I will take a day or two if we can make some plans to hang out together. Now if we win the lottery on Saturday night, that will be another story entirely.

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