Sunday, October 7, 2018


after a visit to the er friday morning delivered relief and a hefty dose of atavan, i slept most of the day and much of the night.
lily had a friend over and ted went out with friends.
saturday i woke feeling better than i have in as long as i can remember.
i greeted the gray day with my stack of books, coffee and cat companions.
that alone would've made my day, but then mike and i motivated for a walk.
it was surprisingly pleasant outside.
i begrudgingly agreed to take lily shopping for a homecoming dress.
not happy because she has a beautiful option hanging in her closet and i knew the mall would be slammed and that likely she wouldn't find a better dress.
i was right about the dress despite the fact that she tried on like 20 dresses and they all looked great on her whether or not she liked them.
i was wrong about losing my temper over her indecisiveness and unreasonable expectations.
it is apparent to me that we aren't at our best when we shop together.
we hit the mcd's drive thru on the way home.
it was a peace offering.
teddy left midday for madison for the night.
he went with some friends to attend the badger game and get a taste of college life.
they hung out at a the theta chi house with an older brother and then crashed at his apartment and while i know i have a good, responsible kid, i thought about him all night long.
prayed over him too.
mike went to watch the game with a friend so jess came over for dinner.
i made ny strips in my cast iron skillet that were the star of the meal.
3 girls...3 steaks...few leftovers.
she helped us pick out shoes for lily's dress.
lily trusts aunt jess's opinion much more than my own.
thank god for zappos and aunts.
today i was up early and back in my spot with a new book.
it was an easy day around the house.
i did lots of laundry and made a batch of banana muffins.
i took a plate to sylvia.
she loves baked good treats.
we had dinner together and then i almost beat her at scrabble.
the debate of the night was can zen be pluralized?
i held firm on no because that would have been the end of me plus it cannot.
it's hard to leave my family on sunday night, but i do enjoy my time with sweet sylvia.
i showed her a picture of my two and she lit up like a christmas tree.
"you have beautiful children," she said, "and i can tell they're good kids."
teddy lazed around all day watching football after his madison jaunt.
lily went to play powder puff against the sophomores.
i'm ready for the busy week ahead.
i have appointments and dates all week.
life is full.
life is good.
life is good and full.

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