Sunday, October 14, 2018

Girl Power

This is my favorite picture of these lovely girls all dressed up and ready to go. What I love about it is that they look all grown up, but they are obviously still silly and playful and sweet. They got ready together, joined some more girlfriends for dinner out and then all went to the dance. Lily confirmed Teddy's description: it was too crowded and hot and the music was meh, yet she discarded her heels and danced. She had the most fun before: primping, eating tacos, just being together.

The plans were uncertain and then they changed numerous times, but it all worked out and she was with her closest friends for the occasion. And I'm really proud of these girls because they are inclusive and kind. Lily said yes without hesitation to including an erstwhile friend who has not shown her the same goodness in the past.

Numerous friends asked if I cried when I saw her all dolled up and the answer is no. I didn't feel sentimental. I felt happy for her to be where she was. It felt like a celebration of friendship and that only made me smile.


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